
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I can MOVE! 

Got up this morning and went to aquacise. We do one exercise where we walk around the pool, stretching each knee to the opposite elbow. I usually can't get my knees very high. Today, though, I was able to lift my knees fully waist-high for the first time in at least six months. What a pleasant surprise! I'm getting a rotten headache now, though...perhaps in my excitement at being able to move freely again, I overdid it a bit?

I noticed today, too, that I seem to be a bit less fibro-foggy. I really needed a break because it has been pretty bad for a solid year now. Hard to explain....today it seemed like it was less of an effort to successfully complete a thought.

I'm thinking of getting my hair cut tomorrow...or, as Ducky says, I might as well get ALL my hairs cut. There's a new place that just opened up near the house offering a grand opening discount on hair cuts. Haven't even had a trim since August. It has gotten so long that when I braid it, I run out of arm and still have hair left over!

Looks like it's my bedtime. I'm off to go see if I can get some of that elusive quality sleep.

Pain level: 6
Fatigue level: 8

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