
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Oops, I (over)did it again.... 

Created a monster last night....started digging stuff out of that room that hasn't been cleaned in five years. Had to put things in the hall because you couldn't walk through to get to the closet or book cases. Of course, with frequent breaks and occasionally getting distracted (i.e., sitting down and reading rather than cleaning), I've barely made a dent in the clutter. I had Dan move things up and down the stairs, but I still overdid it a bit just dusting and stacking books and sliding boxes around. Activated that derned trigger point in the right teres major/minor area again (base of shoulder in back). When I move my arm the wrong way, the hand goes to sleep...not good when your job involves using a computer. And when I sat too long last night to clean off the bottom book shelf, I couldn't get back up by myself. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with more books than shelves for books. Dan's already talking about building those bedroom shelves this year rather than next. Good thing Dan's parents aren't going to be here until the 16th so I have a fighting chance at getting everything sorted.

Have an appointment to get my hair colored Tuesday morning. I do this at least once a year when funds allow....it's about the only attempt I make anymore to improve my appearance as I no longer have the energy to hassle about makeup, nails or dressing up. I think I'll go dark again. I have been asked what the true color of my hair is....I think it's some boring shade of medium brown? Right after my 40th birthday a couple of weeks ago, I found a white hair.....not a little scraggly grey one like I see occasionally on my head, but a huge SNOW WHITE one! I yanked it out.....I'm not ready to look like a skunk just yet.

Time to haul my owie butt to bed.

Pain level: 8
Fatigue level: 8

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