
Monday, July 12, 2004

Good party, for awhile.... 

After waking up unusually early due to pain, I did some stretches and drank a Boost and felt somewhat decent. Our friend's retirement party was at 2pm on the other end of town (about 40 miles away). There were lots of people there we knew.

I took it easy, walking around slowly and talking to people, drinking iced tea and snacking on fresh fruit, a few veggies and shrimp. I made sure I sat occasionally so I would last longer. The people I most wanted to talk to were outside, but I tried not to spend too long outdoors as it was 97 degrees.

I did reasonably well until about 4pm, when I got engrossed in conversation and failed to notice I was getting overheated. I suddenly got very weak. The hostess must have noticed a change in my expression, because she asked me if I wanted to go inside and sit down (she has health problems too).

I sat for awhile and mostly listened to people talk while waiting for Dan to reappear (he was touring the house, I believe). While I was waiting, I began to get a migraine. Dan saw me and could tell it was time to go home. Good timing as my right leg was starting to go numb.

I've been spending so much time at home the past week that I thought this morning that I was getting better. It's just that I wasn't exerting myself at all. Going to that party made me realize that being off work is a very good idea right now. I actually thought I was going to faint there for awhile. A bit embarrassing.

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