
Monday, July 26, 2004

Saw my primary care doc today.... 

She was alarmed to see how slowly I walk these days. She could also tell that I was exhausted. She was pleased at my weight loss, though.

I gave her a general update of what has been going on lately. She knows the neurologist I'm seeing tomorrow and approved of my choice. I told her the MRIs were normal, and she said that might just mean no obvious tumors or lesions....the neurologist may see something more subtle than that.

Had one of my fevers while I was in the office....I was sweating so bad that I soaked the paper on the exam table and had it all stuck to me and couldn't get up. The doc helped me get up and peel all the paper off the backs of my legs (I was wearing shorts). How embarrassing.

We decided that since I was there, I should have the blood sugar and cholesterol checked as well as the thyroid. My last blood sugar check was a year ago and borderline for diabetes. When the cholesterol was checked two years ago, the good cholesterol was a bit too low, but at least the bad was back down to normal.

She said she wished she could do more for me. I'm hearing that a lot lately. Sigh.

Pain level: 7
Fatigue level: 9

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