
Sunday, August 15, 2004

Of work and leisure.... 

I spent all day yesterday planning the big Hawaii vacation! I should have booked it at least a month ago, but my health situation has been so unstable that I was afraid to commit to anything. I'm still afraid of being too sick to travel....I will probably have to get travel insurance just in case. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that if I put it off another year (we've already put if off for two years hoping I would get better), I may be unable to go anywhere at all. So I'm determined to go now no matter what. We will likely book with a travel agent some time this week. Since this is THE dream vacation for Dan and me (the big Kahuna, if you will) as well as possibly the last time I'll ever get to travel, I picked out some activities that we normally couldn't afford, such as a helicopter tour of volcanoes and waterfalls and a sunset ride on a catamaran. There are soooo many things to do in Hawaii that I narrowed them down to "must sees"...Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes National Park, one trek to see a waterfall up close, maybe going snorkeling once if I'm up to it, the former royal palace. I'm not going to book any lengthy tours or anything too physically demanding (bummer, 'cuz I'd LOVE to try surfing, parasailing, hang gliding), and I will make sure we get some beach time in. We plan to stay in condos so I can have access to a full kitchen and only eat out occasionally as gluten-free dining is a pain in the butt.

Got sunburned at last Sunday's baseball game. I used Solarcaine aloe vera gel on it, which works pretty well. BUT I burned my scalp, which is now peeling. Ewwww!! I'm bringing a hat to Hawaii. I am concerned, though, that in addition to the mild burn, I got a rash on one hand AND some ugly brown blotches on my face. The rash went away after I put Solarcaine on it, but the blotches appear to be permanent. I'm going to the dermatologist on Tuesday to find out what might be going on, whether it's illness or med-related. I need to know BEFORE I go to Hawaii so I can take pre-cautions if needed.

Started a half-dose of Cytomel (thyroid T3) this week...I'm noticing perhaps a tiny bit of difference in energy, not enough to help much yet. Next week, I'll go to the full dose. I'm doing this gradually as it was traumatic enough messing with the prednisone. I'm hoping it will be enough to keep me alert at work.

Dan and I both passed our assessments on our software training at work. We passed them quicker with the least amount of training of anyone so far. I'm looking forward to the next segment because it involves more creative stuff. Now if I can just stay awake during the tutorials....

I actually got to do some non-automated work this week. Assembled a spec ad Thursday night, something usually done by the design department. And I spent three hours Friday night fixing a problem ad....I was surprised I was allowed to work on it that long. I think it's because it involved software we don't even have in our department yet, and no one knows how to use it (I winged it, heh heh). It helped that the foreman that likes me was there....the other foreman doesn't let me spend more than 15 minutes on something before he decides I'm incompetent and gives it to an "expert". So, brownie points for me.

Pain level: 6
Fatigue level: 7

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