
Sunday, December 19, 2004

Tired and cranky.... 

Have you ever noticed how much easier is it to voluntarily give up something than it is to be told NOT to do something prior to a test? In this case, it's sleep and caffeine I'm trying to do without. My sleep study begins tonight and continues for nearly 24 hours.

As part of prep for the test, I was instructed to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than usual with NO naps. With my night shift job, I'm accustomed to a bed time of about 3am, but during tonight's test, they want me to go to sleep at 10pm, so I've been trying to adjust. Was supposed to go to bed by midnight last night; the best I could do was 1am.

I think what was tougher than going to bed early, though, was getting up early. I had to get up at 9am today....unheard of for me unless I'm on vacation or something. I'm fighting like crazy to not doze off.

Also, I had to promise to not have any caffeine after 2pm yesterday. I complied, and was rewarded with a migraine that began last night and has not let up since. Hence, the enthusiasm I'd had for doing something productive to pass the time before the test has evaporated.

The migraine's making me too nauseous to stay on the computer much longer.

Ah, well, this too, like all things, shall pass. Now, if I could just think of something besides a nap....

Pain level: 9
Fatigue level: 10

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