
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

ENT on Thursday.... 

Will finally get in to see him about the swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck. I'm hoping he'll be able to tell me it's just another feature of Sjogren's syndrome and that I won't have to undergo any more tests. But, like fibro, Sjogren's shares so many symptoms in common with more serious disorders that it's always a good idea to check with the doc if a problem is new or suddenly worse.

If he doesn't like the look of the lymph nodes, he may need to biopsy one. I think most of my bloodwork has been normal enough (no SSA or rheumatoid factor) that he might not have to do much more with that. He's a good doc, very thorough, so I totally trust his judgement.

Pain level: 5
Fatigue level: 7

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