
Monday, February 28, 2005

Unusually ouchie.... 

Woke up Saturday morning with back spasms, and they simply won't go away. It's the lower back, on the right, and when it really gets going, the sciatic nerve sends pain all the way down my leg. I get this from time to time....nothing ever shows up on x-ray, so I believe it's just a trigger point problem.

I've also had migraines for a month now, sometimes on a daily basis. I go through this periodically, but it's a bummer that the back spasms are going on at the same time. I'm not eating like I should due to the nausea.

I think I'll make an appointment with the massage therapist and the chiropractor (they share an office). I'm getting tired of not being able to use the computer when my headaches are bad. Other than that, I don't know what else I can do other than what I'm already doing at home (muscle relaxants and stretches for the back and rest in a darkened room for the head).

I will probably go visit my grandmother at the hospice again later this week unless I get a call saying it's urgent I get there sooner. Right now the back spasms are so bad that it's difficult for me to lean over to hold her hand. But if she gets worse, I'll go right away even if I have to have assistance in walking.

Chip's going to the vet tomorrow. He's got something imbedded in his paw making it bleed, but we haven't been able to find anything causing it. There are a lot of burrs out where we live, so he may have one caught somewhere under all that fur.

Went back to aquacise for the first time in three weeks. It was difficult because of my back, but I know I needed to do it. Now if I can just stop oversleeping and missing classes....

Pain level: 9
Fatigue level: 7

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