
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Before tomorrow's funeral.... 

Yesterday, I dropped Dan off to work and went to my aunt's with my photo albums. About 10 of us got together to sort through old pix to put together a collage for Grandma's memorial service. It gave us a chance to talk before all the public ceremony begins tonight.

We used two of those padded boards that use ribbon to hold the photos in place. I do graphic arts for a living, so I was more than happy to assemble the collage. Most of the photos we used were of Grandma with her grandchildren and great grandchildren, although we will have a large framed wedding photo off to the side.

It was good to go over all the old memories captured by cameras over the past 50 years. We laughed a lot over our silly clothing styles and bad hairdos from when we were kids. We explained who was who to those too young to remember.

I was incredibly exhausted by the time I got home last night. There was a memorial service planning at the church today, but I decided I had better rest today so I can get through the funeral and service tomorrow morning. I will spend tonight writing out what I will say at the service.

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