
Sunday, March 13, 2005

Food adventures.... 

Ok, on Friday, the gastro doc's assistant banned me from eating peanut butter, one of my favorites and something I used to be able to tolerate prior to this recent worsening of my gastroparesis. I'd been putting it on my gluten free waffles. Since I'm probably going to have to stop using syrup as well, I considered giving up waffles altogether.

But then Dan came home from the grocery store last night with raspberry preserves, and the little light bulb went off in my head. I tried spreading some on the waffles and not using any syrup at all. Delicious!

Woke up this morning very nauseous, so I tried taking an Erythromycin to see if it would help (it causes subtle muscle contractions in the stomach). I am happy to report that I am HUNGRY! That is a good thing because that means my stomach is working....I hadn't been hungry in months.

I was warned not to take the med regularly, just on my bad days. But at least I can now call the gastro doc's office and say this appears to be workable. Now if I can just resist the temptation to go downstairs and eat everything in the kitchen....

Pain level: 7
Fatigue level: 7

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