
Friday, March 18, 2005

Thursday's follow-up at ENT.... 

Went back mainly to have the biopsy incision looked at. It's coming along well despite having the reaction to the steri-strips and having the stitches out early. They said to keep putting vitamin E oil on it, do some massage on the scar tissue, and to use some Mederma to help the scar fade more.

As far as what's wrong with my lymph nodes, I don't have cancer, but I do not have healthy lymph nodes either. Basically, I have higher numbers of certain lymphocytes present due to the Sjogren's. Nothing treatable, but something to document should I have to file for disability. And something to keep an eye on because there is always the remote chance that this could turn into lymphoma someday.

I finally go to the nutritionist tomorrow about the diabetes. I have mixed feelings about this; I want to find out what I need to do for the diabetes, but I don't want to have to actually do it. I'm already way overloaded with trying to manage all my other ailments. I know I'm whining, but I don't care how petty it sounds.

Am pretty much an unmovable lump of pain tonight. I promised Dan I would sort through a basket full of catalogs, newsletters and various papers, but I can't seem to heft my lard ass outta this here chair. Would love to take a nice strong narcotic pain med and get 12 straight hours of uninterrrupted sleep. How I envy those who can tolerate Vicodin.

Ok, I'm visualizing a forklift. On the count of 3......

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