
Friday, April 22, 2005

Headlines, day 2.... 

Chip, the world's most spoiled English springer spaniel, turns seven years old today. I guess that makes him a senior citizen.

No word yet on my soon-to-be born niece. My stepbrother stayed overnight in the hospital with his wife, and I don't think she's stable enough to go home, nor is the baby quite ready to be born.

I'm feeling a bit better regarding recovering from the root canal. I've got some penicillin in case I do develop an infection.

Found a wheelchair for rent for next weekend's convention. Should fit in the trunk of my small car when not in use.

Am compiling Hawaii photos to put in frames I had around the house. Will make prints at the camera store probably tomorrow.

Have de-cluttered the house pretty well, and plan to do some scrubbing between now and Thursday when our friends arrive. Dan plans to do some yardwork tomorrow as well.

Have fallen asleep on the couch every single night this week. It's a good thing I'm not doing this at work.

Pain level: 7
Fatigue level: 9

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