
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Color me blue.... 

Despite my best efforts to be upbeat, sometimes the less pleasant aspects of my life rear their ugly heads and refuse to be ignored. So my feelings are hurt, and I'm a bit resentful of being invisible to people whom I thought mattered. I'm also railing against my medication being more in control of me than I am of it. I feel like I've lost myself, and because I've had to be asleep more hours than awake during the past few days, I'm wondering how the HELL I'm gonna pull off a normal sociable family visit on Saturday that I agreed to weeks ago.

But not to worry....I will pull it off, because I always manage to somehow. I'm boycotting the offending med during the days I absolutely need to be alert, and I will finish pouting about the other stuff probably tonight. I try not to waste too much energy on things I dislike but cannot change, even when they sting.

Still, I'm going to use this occasion to educate a bit. For those of you with chronic illness, the next few articles can confirm for you that it really IS more difficult to get through the holidays than it was when you were healthy. For those of you who are healthy, please let these articles serve as a reminder to please be patient with those who have trouble coping during the holidays due to illness.

Holiday 'Blues'

Coping with Chronic Illness During the Holidays

I think I feel slightly less cranky already.

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