
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Rave of the Day for January 19, 2006: 

Feeling a bit more human today. Still having to force myself to do simple things like make phone calls or eat on time, but at least I (barely) got myself out of bed today.

One thing I should keep reminding myself is that at least I can most days get up. Some cannot. Here is a transcript from an interview with a lady in Australia who has severe M.E. She conducted this interview via phone as she has been bedridden for years. After reading this article, you may want to peruse the rest of Ms. Bassett's site as it is excellent:

Bassett Interview

"A Hummingbird's Guide" has done quite a lot to challenge the common misconceptions surrounding what we in the U.S. call Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It's an excellent reminder that even someone very sick can accomplish great things.

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