
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Am I the only one disappointed in "Lost" tonight?? 

This wasn't one of the best episodes going in, but I was willing to give it a 7 or maybe even an 8 out of 10, UNTIL they killed off Libby! I ended up giving it a 4, my lowest rating ever for a "Lost" episode and the only one I can honestly say I disliked. They wasted so much potential killing her off this soon. The shock value didn't even redeem it for me.

I wanted to see Michael really squirm knowing Libby might rat on him, and maybe he would try to sneak her an overdose of heroin in an attempt to silence her?? I wanted at least one more conversation between her and Hurley, even if it was to say goodbye. I wanted a Libby flashback....I really feel robbed of that. I'm not saying she didn't have to die, but the way it was done sucked.

And "Henry" completely vanished?? What's up with that? I was sorta hoping for a confrontation.

The discovery of the command center hatch was interesting but basically confirmed what we already knew. I noticed they had a videotape machine instead of a film projector, so they had the "high tech" stuff there, heh heh. It was kinda funny that Eko asked if they should watch the tape again.

Eko is cool and all that, and I was intrigued by the dream sequences and flashbacks, but his decision to continue to push the button seems very pointless. Locke's loss of faith is quite understandable, and I do really want to see what direction his character goes. I wonder....do you suppose Michael's antics in the hatch may have been recorded, and will he get busted?

So, yes, I will continue to watch, but tonight I feel cheated. The only thing that could redeem tonight's show is if Libby experiences a miracle, like the girl in Australia who woke up during the autopsy? Do you suppose there's any chance of that?

Oh, GREAT... I haven't watched the taped episodes yet and EVERYONE on the 'Net has blown it for me!

Thank God no one has any spoilers on MEDIUM yet...
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