
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Yayyyy! A showing! 

Had one tonight (Wednesday), actually. I know I've said this before, but I had a good feeling about this one. It's the first one I've had on a weeknight since August. The realtor left her card, AND they took a contract packet with them! That has to be a good sign!

I am soooo ready for a sale. I'm just about done in. Today I had to get out the ladder and change light bulbs and scrub bird poop off the house and take down all the cobwebs with dead bugs in them and clean the outside of the windows and doors and pull some weeds and sweep the porch, driveway and sidewalk. Gotta keep up the curb appeal, you know. The front yard probably should be raked, but I just couldn't do any more. As it is, I'm in horrible pain tonight and can hardly walk. I also have a migraine, whee. Hated to do it, but I had to take some Baclofen just now. I just hope no one calls me in the morning. I am going to the massage therapist and the chiropractor tomorrow afternoon; I will certainly need it.

Finally have gotten things sorted out with the meds and insurance coverage, I think. The denials, oddly enough, were sent to me, but the approvals were sent to Dan, so he had to mail them back to me. I got the last of them yesterday. I was able to call the primary care doc's office this afternoon and get new prescriptions for seven medications. I also have a refill for Restasis waiting at the Walgreens. So it's gonna be one big bill tomorrow when I pick everything up! At least this way, I can get most of my refills all at the same time each month and cut down on the number of trips to the pharmacy.

There might be a blizzard here tonight and/or tomorrow! Some parts of town might get as little as three inches of snow while others may get a foot and a half! This area is supposed to get six. Right now it's only raining, but it's expected to turn into snow in a few hours.

There's more I'd like to say, but my head hurts too much right now.

Ouch. And yay!

hey lady, thanks for stopping by my site, i hope the sale of your house is just and swift and that you can be with your husband soon. good luck in all things that come your way.

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