
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Note to self: migraines and root canals don't mix! 

The migraine started yesterday. It improved slightly with caffeine initially, but by the time I went to bed, I could tell it was gonna get worse before it got better. It woke me up this morning and showed no signs of backing off.

I considered cancelling my root canal today, but it took me two months to get this appointment, and I didn't want to prolong the ordeal with my teeth any longer than it has been already. So I went to the endodontist's office as gingerly as I could. I had taken a non-sedating muscle relaxant about an hour before to try to cut down on the pain of sitting in the dentist chair and holding my mouth wide open for what seemed like forever.

Fortunately, endodontists are able to get a root canal done about twice as fast as a regular dentist, but I still had to be there for a while because I have exceptionally deep roots in my teeth. I relaxed as much as I could, but after about 45 minutes, my facial muscles were twitching so much that it was difficult to hold still. Thank goodness I only had to have one tooth worked on.

Sitting in that dentist chair was agony because it had to be tilted back so that there was pressure on my neck, which did not help the migraine. By the time I was finished, I had stiffened up so badly that I had to be assisted out of the chair. I put on my sunglasses to avoid the glare of the fluorescent lights and hobbled out into the humidity and my sweltering car.

Unfortunately, I couldn't take any anti-inflammatories because I'm having follow-up mammograms and possibly an ultrasound tomorrow and I was told no inflammatories for three days prior. So the whole right side of my face is throbbing right now, I feel like I have a dagger in my right eye, and yawning I found out is a very bad idea. I will try another muscle relaxant before bed and see if it does anything.

I have two more tooth-related appointments pending with the regular dentist. The first is Tuesday. I figure it can't be any worse than today because by then the migraine should be gone.

Healthy people who get dental work done don't know how good they have it.

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