
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rave of the Day for January 26, 2008: 

A couple of links about fibromyalgia. The first is about a study on how much adverse affect the ailment has upon a person with it:

FM has greater impact than other chronic conditions

Have you seen the ads for Lyrica, which is the first medication to be approved by the FDA as a treatment for fibromyalgia? They were the impetus for this article in the New York Times:

Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?

And that, in turn, triggered this response on ChronicBabe (which I really should add to my Links list):

New York Times, fibromyalgia, Lyrica and truth

In case anyone is wondering, I did try Lyrica a few years ago and got only temporary relief from it. But then, I've got multiple ailments and am not a typical fibromyalgia patient, so maybe others will have better luck with it.

Here's what doctors are saying about the article:

Physicians respond to NY Times article on FM
I had thought that with a national rheumatologist organization, the FDA and other groups officially recognizing the existence of fibromyalgia, the cloud of doubt was finally beginning to lift. But the New York Times article just muddied the waters right back up again, and probably did a great deal of damage in terms of the public accepting the reality of the ailment. Gee, thanks.

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