
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Flare alert! 

I was only trying to do what my docs have been harping me about: begin a cardiovascular exercise routine (I do aquacise for arthritis three days a week, but I am told this does not count). Not that I actually believe the ones who claim I can cure my fibromyalgia with exercise, but I got rid of most of the episodes of shortness of breath once I went on meds for exercise-induced asthma in January, so I thought it was time to give my Gazelle machine (a non-impact glider) a try again. I started slowly, as instructed, with just five minutes on Saturday, at a speed that I doubt was even fast enough to increase my heart rate.

During that five minutes, I experienced foot cramps, back spasms, and shooting pains in my right ankle. Afterward, I was slightly more fatigued than usual, and I was a bit sore, but what I realllly noticed was my brain fog went into overdrive! I took a muscle relaxant that night, went to bed early, and ended up stuck in bed for 12 hours.

Sunday I did no exercise at all. I felt kinda hung over, so I did not leave the house until 4:30pm and then did only two brief errands. To tell you the truth, I don't even remember what happened the rest of the day.

Monday, I overslept, waking up at 11am, and just barely made it to aquacise. The warm water stretching helped my soreness, but I still seemed kinda flaky mentally. I was able to do most of my usual activities though.

Tuesday, I decided it was time for another five minutes on the Gazelle. This time, no ankle pain, and the foot cramps and back spasms were slightly less. But holy cow, I was exhausted afterward!

The brain fog really spiked too. For example, I let the dog out in the back yard, put something in the recycle bin in the garage, started some dishes, and was totally startled to discover that the dog was back indoors. I have absolutely no recollection of letting him back in.

Wednesday, overslept again, crawled to aquacise, and was exhausted again already by the time it was done. Fell asleep for two hours on the couch just trying to read the newspaper. I was all set to start writing an article, but I can't think my way out of a paper bag now.

All this from adding a measly five minutes to my exercise routine. The equivalent of walking maybe two blocks, and very slowly at that? I think docs severely underestimate the impact of post-exertion malaise in people with fibromyalgia and other fatiguing ailments.

I wish the Sioux Falls rheumatologists who have insisted exercise will cure me could feel like this for a few days. I guarantee you they'd be stuck in bed completely unable to cope with the pain and exhaustion. And they be scared to death to even be in the same room with an exercise machine.

I haven't given up. But I am disappointed that I am too foggy once again to put together an article I had intended to write two months ago. I want my brain back!

I did a long walk yesterday, felt great until about 3 hours later.

Then oh lawdy. So exhausted and I had plans last night.

I think you are right: Exercise IS a great idea, but there is always a cost, a big recovery time.

Feel better soon.
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