
Monday, June 30, 2008

A glimmer of hope..... 

Update: I called Mayo's rheumatology department this afternoon, and the woman that answered the phone was SO NICE! Too bad we can't clone her and place her in offices all over the country, eh? And she actually listened to my long-winded explanation of my situation.

Long story shortish, she's gonna ask the Mayo rheumy to contact the Sioux Falls one, either via phone or with a detailed letter of referral, and see if we can't get things straightened out. And if there's no way I can see anyone before November, give me some advisement as to what to do in the interim. That way, should I get my Continuing Disability Review paperwork from Social Security (I am overdue for one), I can assure them that I am getting some sort of rheumatology care.

The woman also told me that many rheumatology offices across the country prohibit their patients from switching doctors randomly. Therefore, she gets calls like mine pretty frequently. So, even though it feels like I'm being picked on, I'm nowhere near the only one.

Hoping this will all be resolved within a matter of weeks so I can focus on something other than doctor procurement.

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