
Friday, November 07, 2008

Best political news of my lifetime.... 

In case you missed it, Barack Obama's historic, fantastic acceptance speech....

I have never been more pleased with the outcome of an election. I am more proud of my country right now than I have been in a very long time. No matter what happens in the future, I will remember for the rest of my life my tears of joy (and mental happy dancing, heh heh) while watching the president-elect on the stage in Chicago on Tuesday night.

I do not envy the task Obama faces. The country is in the worst shape I've ever seen, and it will take far more than the next four years to undo the damage that has occurred in the past eight. Many of his ideas and proposals will be bitterly refused, or, if granted, may become so watered down by Congress or swamped in red tape that they become ineffectual. But I am quite relieved to have elected someone that is willing to try.

I would like to say that race will not be an issue during Obama's presidency, but I know better. The first minority in any field is always scrutinized more closely than his non-minority predecessors. If Hilary Clinton had been elected, she would have been under the microscope too. Obama will have to be above the fray, will have to be a better president than the rich old white men that had been the status quo, will have to reassure the doubters that he is an American first and a minority second.

Still, even knowing the incredibly tough road ahead, I am excited about the possibility of taking some of the tarnish off America's image. Finally, we'll have a president who is articulate and won't send us off to war based upon lies. It will be a relief to no longer feel I need to apologize to other countries for our nation's leader.

I am realllllly hoping Obama can make some progress toward improving health care affordability and access and stop or at least slow Social Security's downward spiral. Getting rid of pre-existing condition exclusions on medical insurance would be fantastic. If his tax plan is actually implemented, I would find it most helpful.

Seeing Obama on that stage Tuesday night, I was thinking, this is what I have dreamed for in a president. Never mind that I am a (primarily) white, not young woman in a conservative state, precisely what the Republicans were trying to court when they picked Sarah Palin for VP. What I dreamed for was someone even tempered and sincere, who could actually generate enthusiasm among our nation's youth, who had genuinely progressive ideas, who offered a real chance to unite a country who no longer trusted its leaders. I am generally a skeptical woman, but even I am daring to hope.

To sum up: yayyyyyyy!

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