
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Do happy people make their bodies happy too? 

Can your state of mind make the difference in the severity of a long-term ailment? Got this article courtesy of a Facebook friend....

Does a positive attitude help when your chronic illness becomes worse?

I believe in realistic optimism. I think it is important to acknowledge anger, sadness and other negative emotions in order to release them from your system and thus make more room for creating happiness in your life. It would be abnormal for someone with chronic pain or other life-altering impairment to not have the occasional down day. It is when we become stuck in the destructive or counter-productive emotions that we do unnecessary damage to ourselves and should seek reliable assistance such as the services of a licensed clinical psychologist. Even a dying person can find joy in the time that is left. I choose to laugh and to do as many positive things as my ailments will allow. I believe my condition would be far worse if I did not.

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