
Friday, November 19, 2010

Exercise advice that is actually helpful.... 

Got this from a fibromyalgia-related Facebook page. The instructions/helpful hints for each slide are on the right hand side of the page:

Fibromyalgia Exercises Slideshow: Stretching and Strength Exercises to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

Now, I realize not all of us are capable of 25 minutes of exercise without an exacerbation (I recently achieved 30 minutes but experienced a major pain increase). But even those who are bed-bound can usually tolerate doctor-approved isometric stretches. And while some claim exercise is actually a CURE for fibromyalgia, I have definitely not found that to be the case but still think it is worthwhile work on range of motion at the very least.

klbrowser--I'm just getting caught up on my blog reading and wanted to mention something that the CFIDS clinic I went to suggested, though it might not be as applicable to FM. A lot of people w/ CFIDS have neurally mediated hypotension (blood pressure doesn't adjust to increased demands on it, as I understand it)and so end up going into anaerobic mode after about 5 minutes of exercise. This dr. suggests exercising for 5 minutes and then lying down PRONE for 5 minutes, then exercising/lying down. It might not help w/ pain issues, but it helps a *lot* with post-exertional fatigue.
Thanks for that! I know about the neurally mediated hypotension (I have a mild case not requiring meds), but I'd never heard any exercise advice for people who have it. This actually makes sense.
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