
Saturday, April 02, 2011

If you have fibromyalgia, you might want consider a career in meteorology.... 

Another goody from a fibromyalgia Facebook page. According to research, our bodies can be affected by the daily forecast, climate, etc.:

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Information: You and the Weather

I can definitely vouch for increased pain when it's 30 below zero, but excessive heat causes swelling, which brings its own problems. I agree with the suggestion to avoid extremes in your home environment, meaning keeping air conditioning to a minimum in the summer and wearing layers rather having the furnace blasting 24/7 during the winter. I keep my thermostat at the edges of comfort at my house: 81 degrees in the summer and 65 in the winter. That way, when I come in from outdoors, I can adjust more gradually without making myself sick.

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