
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Not the slightest bit surprising.... 

I saw this coming a long time ago. Link courtesy of a fibromyalgia Facebook page:

Obama: No guarantee for Social Security checks

Congress is playing a ridiculous game of chicken, and it's gonna be the disabled and the elderly who suffer the consequences when neither side blinks. I may have a working spouse, but if I don't get my SSDI payment, I won't last much more than a month before I'll no longer be able to meet living expenses. Especially right now that I'm in the damned doughnut hole that some "genius" built into the Medicare drug coverage system. I do get a break on some of my more common meds, but the ones for my autoimmune conditions are running in the hundreds of dollars per month. And others have it a LOT worse than I do. Being disabled feels very much like being invisible and disposable.

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