
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The irony of looking good.... 

My friend Jen Reynolds has a new program, FibroTV. In this episode, she talks about responding to statements about how well we look on the days we are most ill:

FibroTV Podcast Episode 6: How to Take the Compliment "You Look Great" When You Feel Not So Great!

To me, my response depends on the source of the compliment. If it's someone I don't know or I'm in a situation where there is not time for elaboration, I just say thanks. If it's someone familiar with my ailments who might sincerely want to know that I am not doing well, I might comment that I wish I felt as great as I look. If it's my doctor who says it (the rheumatologist says it at EVERY appointment), I restrain the urge to yell and then tell her calmly but honestly how crappy I feel.

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