
Saturday, December 31, 2011

I promised - my resolutions for 2012.... 

My focus is primarily financial this year. Not because all else in my life is perfect (ha!), but because certain goals are no longer reasonable for me. For instance, my weight has been creeping upward, and it would be easier on my arthritic body if I dropped 10 or even 20 pounds, but I cannot exercise at a level that would enable me to achieve this, and I'm already eating as healthily as possible most of the time. Also, on the positive side, I have kept some of my resolutions from past years, like reading more, eating out less and attending church more regularly, so I don't have to re-visit them for the time being.

Here we go:

1. Try to get all the credit cards paid off by the end of 2012. If medical bills make this impossible (which is why we are currently carrying multiple balances), pay the most the budget will allow.

2. Funnel some of each paycheck into savings whenever possible to cover emergencies without using the credit cards.

3. Try to ease back into a more practical sleep schedule, even when in a flare. Maybe start with going to bed just 15 minutes earlier? Gradually work back to a bedtime of no later than midnight.

4. Keep foods containing artificial colors and/or flavors to a bare minimum (I got sick Christmas Eve eating just a tiny bit of Neopolitan ice cream as a treat). This is an extension of the "avoiding non-nutritional food" rule.

5. Ease into extending the Gazelle workouts to 30 minutes on a consistent basis. If this is achieved prior to year's end, start gradually increasing the intensity to get the heart rate above a resting level.

6. Start scrapbooking again!

That should be sufficient. Gotta leave myself something to work on in 2013, right? Ha!

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