
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Inspiration for the Day, March 1, 2012: 

A Litany of Commitment

Creator and Creating God, we bear your likeness in our souls and in our bodies, having been created in your image.

What a wondrous world with wondrous peoples!

We enjoy being together - to celebrate, to compete in good spirit, and to cheer on our favorite teams.

But, dear God, keep us vigilant as well to things that happen away from the main event.

We pray for our sisters and brothers who are trapped by those who would use them for commercial gain.

We pray that we will have the courage to transform a culture that tolerates degrading and abusive behavior.

We pray for justice for all of God's children, each one of whom bears divine likeness in soul and body. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

- Reverend Loey Powell

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