Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Finally, verification of neurological problems in fibromyalgia!
Got this from the National Fibromyalgia Association. It details a study made of neurological complaints in patients with fibromyalgia versus patients without it....
Neurologic signs common with fibromyalgia
Have lost track of how many times docs have told me that fibromyalgia doesn't cause any measurable problems. The more articles detailing that the medical community is taking fibromyalgia seriously the better. Maybe it will trickle down to some of the docs in Sioux Falls who still live in 1985.
Neurologic signs common with fibromyalgia
Have lost track of how many times docs have told me that fibromyalgia doesn't cause any measurable problems. The more articles detailing that the medical community is taking fibromyalgia seriously the better. Maybe it will trickle down to some of the docs in Sioux Falls who still live in 1985.
No, the song was NOT an ode to LSD....
There really WAS a Lucy, and she died of Lupus. Link courtesy of Dr. Karen...
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" inspiration dies
Some people forget how serious certain autoimmune diseases can be. Most people freak out at the word "cancer", but other ailments can do just as much damage. May Lucy rest in peace.
"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" inspiration dies
Some people forget how serious certain autoimmune diseases can be. Most people freak out at the word "cancer", but other ailments can do just as much damage. May Lucy rest in peace.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I think I just got a contact high!
Don't know if this was made up or real, but it's hilarious either way! Courtesy of a Facebook friend.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
And on the eighth day, God created Kirk Cameron....
I actually thought this story was a joke until I saw Kirk Cameron's own video, where he explains how he will promote Creationism to students! Thanks to Robert for this link, which includes the video plus a response:
Kirk Cameron's "Origin of Species" Plan: Ex-Actor to Distribute 50,000 Altered Darwin Books
Disagreeing with evolution is one thing. Re-writing scientific literature and passing it off as fact is another. How would he like it if I re-wrote the Bible and distributed it at churches (not that I would)??
Kirk Cameron's "Origin of Species" Plan: Ex-Actor to Distribute 50,000 Altered Darwin Books
Disagreeing with evolution is one thing. Re-writing scientific literature and passing it off as fact is another. How would he like it if I re-wrote the Bible and distributed it at churches (not that I would)??
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Treating M.E. with diet....
More from the Hummingbirds' Foundation for M.E. newsletter. This contains suggestions for adjusting your dietary intake to achieve maximum reduction in symptoms.....
Treating M.E.: Food as medicine
While the article does contain conflicting information because there is such a high degree of variability in what a person can and cannot tolerate, there is some good info in here, and changing one aspect of diet at a time (ideally under a doctor's supervision) and seeing if you benefit positively from it is probably worth the effort. I personally can vouch for the value of a trial gluten free diet as well as avoiding aspartame and MSG.
Treating M.E.: Food as medicine
While the article does contain conflicting information because there is such a high degree of variability in what a person can and cannot tolerate, there is some good info in here, and changing one aspect of diet at a time (ideally under a doctor's supervision) and seeing if you benefit positively from it is probably worth the effort. I personally can vouch for the value of a trial gluten free diet as well as avoiding aspartame and MSG.
M.E. coping methods.....
Another page from the new Hummingbird's Foundation for M.E. deals contains new info on breathing/meditation exercises and ways to deal with the emotional aspects of it. From Jodi Bassett's monthly newsletter....
Tips for coping emotionally with M.E.
Although I find I cannot do true meditation because my brain is no longer wired to "shut down", focusing on breathing at the very least is a valuable tool, especially during times of heightened pain or tension. And I agree that acknowledging the occasional down day while encouraging an overall positive outlook is probably the most beneficial way to handle life with a disease that doesn't let up.
Tips for coping emotionally with M.E.
Although I find I cannot do true meditation because my brain is no longer wired to "shut down", focusing on breathing at the very least is a valuable tool, especially during times of heightened pain or tension. And I agree that acknowledging the occasional down day while encouraging an overall positive outlook is probably the most beneficial way to handle life with a disease that doesn't let up.
Helpful treatments for M.E.
Jodi Bassett's Hummingbird's Guide website is now HFME, or the Hummingbirds' Foundation for M.E. I've posted this link before, but scroll to about halfway down the page and you'll find new well-researched info on supplementation that I think is worth serious consideration.....
Treating M.E.: The Basics
For those who are wondering, Ms. Bassett is herself completely bed-bound with severe M.E., which makes the sheer amount and thoroughness of her research quite admirable. Lord knows I don't get nearly as much done, and I'm able to be out of bed about 12 hours a day
I will say that I have tried several of the supplements mentioned with success. Unfortunately, I had to pare down my supplementation considerably due to financial difficulty, but I still take the following: calcium citrate/magnesium glycinate, a high quality B-complex multi-vitamin, probiotics, enteric-coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil and Vitamin D3.
Treating M.E.: The Basics
For those who are wondering, Ms. Bassett is herself completely bed-bound with severe M.E., which makes the sheer amount and thoroughness of her research quite admirable. Lord knows I don't get nearly as much done, and I'm able to be out of bed about 12 hours a day
I will say that I have tried several of the supplements mentioned with success. Unfortunately, I had to pare down my supplementation considerably due to financial difficulty, but I still take the following: calcium citrate/magnesium glycinate, a high quality B-complex multi-vitamin, probiotics, enteric-coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil and Vitamin D3.
Monday, September 21, 2009
This joke is a real lifesaver.....
Ok, this contains one offensive word, but I just couldn't stop laughing! Funny courtesy of Feathers....
The school teacher exposed her students to a new experience.
She handed out little candies with holes in them.
The children began to identify the flavors by their color:
Orange ..............Orange
Finally the teacher gave them all HONEY Lifesavers. None of the children could identify the taste.
The teacher said, 'I will give you all a clue. It's what your mother may sometimes call your father.'
One little girl looked up in horror, spit her Lifesaver out and yelled, 'Oh my God! They're ass-holes!
The teacher had to leave the room!
The school teacher exposed her students to a new experience.
She handed out little candies with holes in them.
The children began to identify the flavors by their color:
Orange ..............Orange
Finally the teacher gave them all HONEY Lifesavers. None of the children could identify the taste.
The teacher said, 'I will give you all a clue. It's what your mother may sometimes call your father.'
One little girl looked up in horror, spit her Lifesaver out and yelled, 'Oh my God! They're ass-holes!
The teacher had to leave the room!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A frickin' funny joke.....
Time for a funny. This one comes courtesy of Pete....
From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher
My five-year old students are learning to read. Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said, "Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"
I took a deep breath, then asked, "What did you call it?"
"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"
And so it does...
" A f r i c a n Elephant "
Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?
From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher
My five-year old students are learning to read. Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said, "Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"
I took a deep breath, then asked, "What did you call it?"
"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"
And so it does...
" A f r i c a n Elephant "
Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sorting health care reform fact from fiction.....
Been getting scary e-mails about the horrors of health care reform? This article goes over the most popular claims and details which are true, partly true or complete falsehoods....
Twenty-six Lies About H.R. 3200
Bookmarked this site because I am tired of getting political e-mails that I suspect contain untruths and would like something to check them against. They take the time to go over every sentence of the president's speech when I am too brainfogged to do so.
Twenty-six Lies About H.R. 3200
Bookmarked this site because I am tired of getting political e-mails that I suspect contain untruths and would like something to check them against. They take the time to go over every sentence of the president's speech when I am too brainfogged to do so.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Good night, sweetheart....
A man sings a litter of puppies to sleep. Adorable!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What the "public option" means....
Have you heard the term "public option" bandied about in the context of health care reform, but have heard conflicting stories about how it will affect Americans? Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich breaks it down into plain English....
I wanna new drug....
Leave it to the folks at The Onion to come up with a "cure" for excessive cheerfulness, heh heh. Thanks to Dr. Karen for the link....
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thinking of September 11.....

"Sometimes a thunderbolt will shoot from a clear sky; and sometimes, into the midst of a peaceful family - without warning of gathered storm above or slightest tremble of earthquake beneath - will fall a terrible fact, and from that moment everything is changed. The air is thick with cloud, and cannot weep itself clear. There may come a gorgeous sunset, though."
- George MacDonald
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
More possible disease inks....
Is there a link between restless leg syndrome and bacterial overgrowth? An article from Celiac.com says there is evidence to support this....
The Restless Leg Syndrome, SIBO, Celiac Connection
I don't officially have restless leg syndrome, but I do have periodic limb movement disorder, which involves all the limbs twitching uncontrollably in my sleep. I don't know about the bacterial overgrowth; I take probiotics and eat yogurt regularly to avoid the symptoms mentioned.
The Restless Leg Syndrome, SIBO, Celiac Connection
I don't officially have restless leg syndrome, but I do have periodic limb movement disorder, which involves all the limbs twitching uncontrollably in my sleep. I don't know about the bacterial overgrowth; I take probiotics and eat yogurt regularly to avoid the symptoms mentioned.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
A hilarious take on Obama's education speech.....
Here is a joke version of Obama's rough draft, link courtesy of a Facebook friends. Warning: some of you may find this offensive, but I found it extremely funny....
Exclusive! Obama's First Draft
Am planning on watching Obama's health care speech this week. Am quite curious to see what in the original plan is going to be dropped to soothe the Republicans and what will remain. Hmmm, maybe someone will publish a "rough draft" of that one too, heh heh.
Exclusive! Obama's First Draft
Am planning on watching Obama's health care speech this week. Am quite curious to see what in the original plan is going to be dropped to soothe the Republicans and what will remain. Hmmm, maybe someone will publish a "rough draft" of that one too, heh heh.
The "stay in school" speech that has some parents doing the opposite....
Some parents in South Dakota are so freaked out about Obama's address to students that they are keeping their kids home from school that day to avoid exposing them to a liberal political message. But have they actually know what the speech says? Here's the text, link courtesy of Dr. Karen.....
Media Resources Prepared School Remarks
I read through it and honestly couldn't find anything objectionable. I think it has potential to do far more good than harm, especially if it inspires even one apathetic student to achieve more. Past presidents have made the "stay in school" speech, so I just don't see what the problem is.
Media Resources Prepared School Remarks
I read through it and honestly couldn't find anything objectionable. I think it has potential to do far more good than harm, especially if it inspires even one apathetic student to achieve more. Past presidents have made the "stay in school" speech, so I just don't see what the problem is.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Survey data....
Courtesy of the CFIDS newsletter, here's more specific data regarding a survey of people with CFIDS. It includes current age, gender, age at onset, and which symptoms are most common and most severe.....
Symptom Survey Responses Indicate Cardinal Symptoms of CFS
I hate the pain, but for me, it pales in comparison to the debilitating effects of the exhaustion and cognitive dysfunction. I could still work if it was only pain I was dealing with, but with the other stuff in the mix, it totally wipes out my ability to achieve anything resembling reliably functional.
Symptom Survey Responses Indicate Cardinal Symptoms of CFS
I hate the pain, but for me, it pales in comparison to the debilitating effects of the exhaustion and cognitive dysfunction. I could still work if it was only pain I was dealing with, but with the other stuff in the mix, it totally wipes out my ability to achieve anything resembling reliably functional.
Recent CFIDS survey.....
Here's a summary of a recent survey of people with CFIDS. Courtesy of the CFIDS newsletter.....
From the CEO's Desk
It really is quite difficult to properly describe the size and scope of what we carelessly label "fatigue" in the context of chronic illness. The only useful analogy I was ever able to give to healthy people is to tell them to think of the last time they were totally knocked out by the flu, then imagine feeling that way every day for the rest of their lives. Yeah, it's like that, only worse because there are so many other things in your body simultaneously going wrong, but that's usually a good starting point.
From the CEO's Desk
It really is quite difficult to properly describe the size and scope of what we carelessly label "fatigue" in the context of chronic illness. The only useful analogy I was ever able to give to healthy people is to tell them to think of the last time they were totally knocked out by the flu, then imagine feeling that way every day for the rest of their lives. Yeah, it's like that, only worse because there are so many other things in your body simultaneously going wrong, but that's usually a good starting point.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
The fashion industry STILL doesn't get it!
Came across this article via a Facebook friend. Apparently, a beautiful woman with a normal-sized body was told she was too large to model even plus-sized clothing....
Too fat to be a model? The picture that caused a storm in the fashion world
Hmmm, last I checked the plus-sized section (yes, I used to wear those sizes), they started at about size 16. Now that I'm size 10 again, I shop in the regular women's clothing section. So why does the fashion industry think an 8 is plus-sized? And why haven't they figured out that most women do NOT have flat tummies?
Too fat to be a model? The picture that caused a storm in the fashion world
Hmmm, last I checked the plus-sized section (yes, I used to wear those sizes), they started at about size 16. Now that I'm size 10 again, I shop in the regular women's clothing section. So why does the fashion industry think an 8 is plus-sized? And why haven't they figured out that most women do NOT have flat tummies?
The gluten/neurological symptom connection....
This also comes from Celiac.com. There is now speculation that gluten sensitivity may be a purely neurological disorder, perhaps separate from celiac disease....
Is Gluten Sensitivity a Neurological Disease?
I'm not sure what to think. Since celiac disease is known to cause neurological symptoms, wouldn't it be tough to prove there are two separate problems here?
Is Gluten Sensitivity a Neurological Disease?
I'm not sure what to think. Since celiac disease is known to cause neurological symptoms, wouldn't it be tough to prove there are two separate problems here?
The "buffet" option....
It's no coincidence that many people with celiac disease have multiple autoimmune diseases, or what I like to refer to as the "buffet" option, heh heh. This comes from Celiac.com....
DQ8 Causes More Than Just Celiac Disease
I, for one, hope that my body is done acquiring autoimmune ailments. My plate is full enough.
DQ8 Causes More Than Just Celiac Disease
I, for one, hope that my body is done acquiring autoimmune ailments. My plate is full enough.
Pinpointing inherited celiac disease....
Got this from the Celiac.com newsletter. It's fairly technical but still interesting....
Celiac Disease First: Researchers Identify a Role for Main Inherited Genetic Variation
On a personal level, even though my cruise is not until November, I am researching what I will do for food and water on the ship. Apparently, they are pretty accommodating as long as you give them advance notice, which is way cool. My main concerns now are having a constant supply of water and whether or not I can bring Boost on board.
Celiac Disease First: Researchers Identify a Role for Main Inherited Genetic Variation
On a personal level, even though my cruise is not until November, I am researching what I will do for food and water on the ship. Apparently, they are pretty accommodating as long as you give them advance notice, which is way cool. My main concerns now are having a constant supply of water and whether or not I can bring Boost on board.